7 Reasons Failing Is Good For You
By no means does failing feel good, believe me, I am not the first to fail at something nor am I the last. Everyone talks about what it takes to be successful but no one ever talks about failure. Well, failure is and will likely continue to be an inevitable part of life and it should be for good reason. Failure teaches us much about ourselves. Without failure there is no trying, and without trying there will be no success.
Here are 7 reasons failing is a good thing:
1. Failing is Important. Failing is an important, perhaps even an essential part of growing and learning about yourself and the world around you. It teaches you personal strength and fosters resilience. Failing leads to life experience and without that you wouldn’t be the person you are today.
2. Failing is Healthy. Although failing can temporarily lead to a period of stress, it gives us the opportunity to express emotions and cope with stress in healthy ways. Failing can provide us with the chance to transform our feelings or stress about our failures into a source of motivation. It is healthy to have personal goals, motivation, ambition, and determination that drive you towards success.
3. Failing Provides Perspective. Failing makes you appreciate the other aspects of your life, including your support system and the love you have around you. When I have failed I find my true friends waiting there to give me a shoulder to cry on and boost me up when I need it most. Failing provides you with a wider perspective on life, by showing you what is truly important – not a test score or a lost game – but love, support, and kindness.
4. Failing Gives You Knowledge. Usually, if you fail a test or a course you are required to retake it if you want to continue in a program or move up in your career. By studying for something again you gain a better knowledge of the subject matter and you end up knowing it better than before.
5. Failing Leads to Confidence. It may not seem logical but failing can lead to a strong level of self-confidence. If you remain positive and don’t give up you will ultimately succeed and you will feel on top of the world. By trying over and over you will gain and refine skills you may have never realized you had before.
6. Failing Leads to Success. Failing can create a drive in you. It makes you decide if something is worth fighting for. It makes you work hard. Failing teaches you to never let anything get in the way of your dreams. Having a strong work ethic and drive is the recipe for success.
7. Failing Fosters Positivity. The act of failing teaches you one of life’s greatest lessons which is to have patience with yourself. It makes you take a step back and think about the situation from another point of view. When you fail, you make a choice – you can choose to look at everything negatively or you can choose to remain positive and hopeful for your future efforts.
“Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I’ve met people who don’t want to try for fear of failing.” – J.K. Rowling