Blood Investigations

Our team of naturopathic doctors are able to requisition, interpret, and recommend follow up laboratory testing to aid in our diagnostic assessment of our patients. Lab testing allows us to better evaluate a patient’s health and guide our treatment plans.

The most common testing we recommend includes:

  1. An overall health assessment including a complete blood count, blood chemistry including liver and kidney function, electrolytes, blood sugars, cholesterol, and more.

  2. Hormones including sex hormones (estgrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.), fertility markers, thyroid hormones, and stress hormone.

  3. Vitamin and mineral levels, which check for deficiencies in vitamin D, vitamin B12, folate, iron, magnesium, etc.

  4. Food Sensitivity Testing which looks at inflammatory and immune responses to specific foods which may be causing symptoms related to digestion, fatigue, skin, and more.

  5. Inflammatory tests

  6. Stool tests

We take the time to interpret our patient’s results, while taking into consideration their overall health, lifestyle, and individualized needs in order to develop personalized treatment plans that address any findings detected in the patient’s blood results.


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